Sunday, July 30, 2017


JUNE 14TH – Pacific City Dory Launch

This morning we went to the beach to see the dory launching which occurs from the beach at Cape Kiwanda. The dories are small fishing boats that go out to sea to mostly fish for salmon.


The dories are trailered to the beach and then launched into the surf. Usually there will be a crew of two, sometimes more. The dory is floated off the trailer and then headed into the surf. The  crew then climbs aboard over the stern transom after pushing it out further into the surf. 

Once they are out far enough they start their engine and head out to sea for a day of fishing, mostly for salmon. 

When they return in the afternoon they race for the beach before cutting their engine.   

It is quite a show to watch them. The dory men are quite agile, and help each other with the launch.

Here is a video of the launch -   

and one of the boats crashing the beach on their return –

As you can see from my  photos there is a great deal of physical prowess involved.

This ended my trip. Four of us headed back to Portland for flights home. The remainder of the group traveled onto Washington State to visit Mt. Saint Helens.  


This was not one of my  better trips. The weather was not particularly favorable, but I am happy with the pictures I am keeping and showing you. When I returned home I was quite tired and favoring my knee. The knee was one of the factors. It has since healed, and I am vigorously following my old fitness protocol to get into better shape. I have seen improvements all around.

Now it is time to gear up for the Solar Eclipse trip to Idaho and then onto Montana to visit our daughter, Klara. The art of taking pictures of the eclipse is a practiced phenomenon. I have gotten a couple of pieces of equipment to help, and now I have to devote some mid-day time to practicing using the solar filters both for me and the camera.

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