Friday, July 27, 2018

2018 MULE DAYS (49TH Annual) vol. 2


 We had a pleasant walk West of downtown Big Pine before breakfast. We walked up to where the road crosses the creek.

Big Pine Creek 1

Big Pine Creek 2

Indian Paintbrush

Some of the events I enjoy are the driving classes. This morning the wagons and teams needed to maneuver around a course which also involved backing to a loading area, and loading and off loading a barrel. First there were the adult classes and then followed by the junior classes. 
Team Driving

Team Driving 2

As you can imagine, this little guy stole the show though he only placed third, I think. 
Junior Team Driving - Here you can see an obstacle (they have to stay between the poles.)

Junior Team Driving 2

Later DawnMarie competed with one of her donkeys, in the Donkey Driving Class and placed.
DawnMarie Driving 1

Mr. Earistable and DM

Another fun event to watch is steer stoppingIt is a timed event, and you have to be quite accurate and quick with a lasso. It takes lots of  practice. This series shows a bit of the intracacies and athleticism of both the rider and the mule.  

Went with Tina to visit Barbara Couture, a vendor who usually has some nice Indian jewelry to show and sell.  I purchased a nice bracelet with turquoise stones. A real selling point was also that it was the right size for my small wrist. I was also interested in a pendant but she had none with her this year. 

The temperatures today were quite comfortable. This was due in  part to it being windy all day. Tonight we enjoyed Indian Fry bread Tacos which are made right in front of your eyes at the fairgrounds. I always look forward to this meal, as it is quite the treat, and delicious.

FRIDAY, 25 May:

This morning we supported the local economy by having breakfast at Country Kitchen, located in the center of Big Pine after our morning walk. It was good and enjoyable.

We took in most of the morning events in the Main Arena at Mule days: Donkey Barrel Racing, 
Long Ears and Long Legs

and Mule Barrel Racing:

Then there were the next rounds of the Steer Stopping, 

 and Team Roping.

Another interesting class is the Farm Equipment Class. Old equipment that was driven by mule(s). are displayed, and they then have to demonstrate how they work. It is a great way to learn how things used to be done in farming in the early 1900's and late 1800's.

 And a Junior entry in the Farm Equipment class. Children were often working the farm equipment.

In the afternoon George and I went to the City Park to browse the various booths set up there. Got some garlic from the Gilroy Garlic guys, some of the nice soap I like, and that was about it. I found my desired handbag back at the Fairgrounds. It is tooled leather and large, but not too large.

Justin and Tina cooked up dinner as we sat around and watched in the late afternoon.  We had beef and shrimp fajitas right off their grill. They were delicious. It is obvious that Justin loves to cook, and Tina does a great job as the first class assistant or maybe sous chef. Again it was a very windy day, but that kept things cool once again and comfortable.

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