Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Hi There,

Got to sleep in this morning, with rendezvousing at 1100. Got a bit more sleep as a result. Breakfast was at the Airport Way Family Restaurant where we have been to four times before. It has a diverse menu and will let you order from either the breakfast or lunch menu.

In the afternoon we had our date with Sun Dog Express for dog sledding. Elise has been very busy this year, and we were squeezed into the agenda. We had short, 5 min. rides. It was fun and very bumpy, but you did get out away from everything quite quickly. We had a bit of time to finish up the packing process for a couple  of the group who will be leaving first thing in the morning. We went to an early dinner at the Pump House, where I enjoyed reindeer tenderloins which were delicious.

Tonight was our last night of viewing the Northern Lights and they were out when we got to our site on Old Murphy Dome Road. There were some very nice displays, and some good choices for compositions. It was quite cold out there as there was a steady wind and the air temperature was about -6˚F. We persevered and stayed out until about 0145. This was about an hour later than planned, but the Lights were putting on a good show.

I finished most of my packing before going to bed. Tomorrow will be a long time at airports and in the air.

Alaskan Pipeline at night

Sundog Express Dog Sledding >>>>>

Happy Husky
Dog Sled Ride - Mark & Rafiq

Mark & Rafiq

Mike & Andrea out for a ride

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